Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Student Line Grapher

While working with my Algebra 1 students to try and teach them how to graph lines. I came up with the idea to create a flash module that would work with moodle to record student's graphs. This idea came out of my previous project which was to create a quick way to draw graphs while lecturing.

This module is pretty slick you can use it to teach students how to graph linear inequalities and equality graphs. My other web page explains the details but here are the basics.

Select your line type, which is by default solid for equality next click to points that are on the line. The flash module extends the line to the edge of the graph. If you are going to graph an inequality then click on shading. Click to points on the line and then which side of the line should be shaded.

You will notice that when you select shading you now have the option of two different line types. The dashed line is for inequality graphs.

Here is the really cool part though. When you create the graph, if you set a value in the flashvars variable the equation of the line can be recorded to a form value in the web page which can then be submitted for grading.

I've implemented this version with moodle but I'll post that information later since I'm not using the latest version of moodle and want to cleaned up the code a little bit and make sure that it is compatible with the latest version.

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